Dreams of the Soul: The Yogi Sutras of Patanjali

Dreams of the Soul:

The Yogi Sutras of Patanjali
by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386118
208 pages 5.5 x 8.5

The root of the word sutra is to sew, or to sew with a thread. It means to bring together two or more parts to work into a cohesive whole. These sutras facilitate the process of the reasoner to progress on the Spiritual path rapidly by suturing or uniting conscious and subconscious minds. Explanations, techniques, and information is given, stimulating the earnest student to use more of his or her total mind.

The Universal Language of Mind: The Book of Matthew Interpreted

The Universal Language of Mind:

The Book of Matthew Interpreted

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386156
308 pages 5.5 x 8.5

Moving beyond translating texts from one physical language to another, this book reveals the essence of Spiritual evolution as taught by one of the world’s great Masters. This text is a rediscovery of knowledge familiar to the ancients for over 10,000 years, long before Jesus of Nazareth walked on Earth. In this light, Matthew is a timeless revelation of the inner urge of the Spiritual Self communicated in the oldest language known to man.

Jesus repeatedly stated that he spoke in parables and metaphors, therefore symbolically. When interpreted in universally applicable images, the essence of the teaching is both significant to all of humanity and personally relevant to the seeker of wisdom. These interpretations dispel the contradictions often perceived in physical reading.

The Bible Interpreted in Dream Symbols

The Bible Interpreted in Dream Symbols

by Barbara O’Guinn Condron
Daniel R. Condron
Gayle B. Matthes
Jerry L. Rothermel
ISBN 9780944386231
342 pages 5.5 x 8.5

When interpreted by dream experts, the Bible becomes an incredible tool for Self realization. In this timeless book, spanning three of the world’s major religions, are the inner level images conveying humanity’s purpose for existence. This book brings the Bible to life and paints a picture of mankind’s past and future. It is the story of our journey to enlightenment, the manifestations of Christ Consciousness and the resurrection of truth that lay hidden for ages.


The Tao Te Ching Interpreted & Explained

The Tao Te Ching

Interpreted & Explained

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386309
294 pages 6 x 9

There is a higher knowledge, a higher truth, a higher awareness, and a higher enlightenment that is available to all. It is time for more people to wake up, learn, and be taught this higher knowledge. The Tao Te Ching Interpreted and Explained offers a superconscious and subconscious explanation of this unique holy work according to Universal Principles, Universal Laws, and the Universal Language of Mind.

The Secret Code of Revelation

The Secret Code of Revelation

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386378
420 pages 6 x 9

Revelation, the last book of the Bible, reveals not only each person’s potential, it also shows our destiny. Hidden within its passages is a hidden message. A message so important for the people of this planet that for the past 2000 years, millions of people have tried to understand its meaning. This book reveals the deeper meaning behind the symbology. As key after key is unlocked, the secret of secrets is revealed. Humanity’s ultimate destiny is illuminated.

The Emptiness Sutra

The Emptiness Sutra

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386385
163 pages 4.5 x 8

From time immemorial there have been great teachers who have reached into or aligned with deep and high levels of consciousness. Some have written or recorded their discoveries and given them to humanity. Often scribes or disciples would write these Truths down. Sometimes they would be passed on orally for generations before being lost or written down. The Emptiness Sutra came from the Inner Levels of Consciousness. It was received by a teacher who wrote it down and shared his truth. This book, the Emptiness Sutra is for humanity. The Emptiness Sutra is for you.

The Bhagavad Gita Interpreted & Explained

The Bhagavad Gita

Interpreted & Explained

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386729
319 pages 6 x 9

Daniel Condron’s love of Holy works shines through in this book. The Bhagavad Gita Interpreted and Explained is the sixth book he has written that explores the meaning of the Holy texts in the Universal Language of Mind.

This book draws on The Dhammapada, The Tao Te Ching, the Bible, the Rig Veda and knowledge regarding kundalini energy. Condron has a significant amount of historical information regarding the scene, theme and characters of the enduring Holy work. This perspective aids the reader to have a context that enables deeper understanding of the universal message that is conveyed in this story. The immortal words of Krishna and his student Arjuna ring just as true today as they did thousands of years ago.

The Dhammapada Interpreted & Explained

The Dhammapada

Interpreted & Explained

by Daniel R. Condron
ISBN 9780944386712
272 pages 5.5 x 8.5

A Work for the Ages. The Dhammada Interpreted and Explained is a compilation and summation of the Buddha’s teachings.

This book explains how and why the Buddha’s sayings true. The whole book explains how to implement these teachings into one’s life and consciousness to the ideal of enlightenment.