9 Lessons for Changing Yourself, Your Relationships & Your World
by Barbara O’Guinn Condron
ISBN 9780944386316
202 pages 7 x 9
How does one make peace? This is the question students and teachers at the College of Metaphysics asked as they built the first Peace Dome on their campus. In PEACEMAKING you learn the stories of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. In the hands of Dr. Barbara Condron, each Peace Prize laureate teaches a lesson in what causes peace. Mother Teresa’s lesson of gratitude is taught through the power of a smile, Linus Pauling’s “culture worthy of man’s intelligence” comes alive in peace equations created by students, and Betty Williams’ life changing nightmare becomes the springboard to identify our own defining moments. Here are the steps that free the mind to contemplates a spiritual concept like peace and enter into what Albert Schweitzer called “a new mentality.”
The Invitation:
A Play in Four Movement
by Barbara O’Guinn Condron
ISBN 9780944386407
pages 83 5.5 x 6.5
The INVITATION is an experience in consciousness. Its power is in the individual and in the connections between all of us. Spanning sixty years, it reveals the human urge toward compassion and reason, love and cooperation through the lives of eight people honored at some time with a Nobel Peace Prize for their life’s work.
For performance rights please contact the School of Metaphysics.
The INVITATION - Audible
What would happen if eight Nobel Peace Laureates gathered together to discuss what makes peace? The Invitation explores this grand meeting of minds across time and space. The Invitation is an experience in consciousness. Its power is in the individual and the connections between all of us. Spanning 60 years it reveals the human urge toward compassion and reason, love and cooperation through the lives of eight people honored at some time with the Nobel Peace Prize for their life’s work.
The Invitation is a one-hour performance given in the Peace Dome once each year. Preceding the performance a short film “A Life Worth Examining” chronicling the eight Nobel Peace Laureates portrayed in The Invitation.
Power of Prayer Around the World Songbook
written and edited by
B. Condron and M. Valois
ISBN 9780944386326
pages 81 8.5 x 11
The Power of Prayer Around the World is the expression of the universal urge to communicate with man’s creator throughout time. First presented at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993, this performance guidebook includes the sheet music used in the musical cantata in the world’s Peace Dome in 2010.
Whether a personal experience of inner communion or a shared experience of singing and celebration, the accounts of those attending are glimpses of prayer’s evolution through the ages, prayer’s influence in the present, and the promise of prayer’s transformation for generations to come.
The Universal Peace Covenant , a document created by teachers and
students at the School of Metaphysics is translated in nine languages.